Group of 24 Hebrew manuscript prayers and mystical incantations for various occasions, (8 on vellum, 16 on paper). Includes prayer that cattle not succumb to disease; prayers for the sick; prayer for rain; prayer for salvation from cholera and other form of plague; expiation for "crib death" of an infant; the blessings of the Scroll of Esther; the blessings on the phylacteries; and a Sabbath hymn composed by Mordechai Dato [Davidson, Thesaurus of Medieval Hebrew Poetry, Vol. II, no. 215]. The kabbalistic incantations include: Pitum ha-Ketoreth (the recitation of the Holy Incense in the Temple); atonement for nocturnal emission; a Shemirah (Protection) for the home; an adjuration of the Sar ha-Chalom ("Master of Dream"); meditations before blowing the shofar; and the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy