AUCTION 39 | Thursday, April 03rd, 2008 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters & Graphic Art

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Lot 109


Der Juden zu Franckfurt Stattigkeit und Ordnung ["Legal Status of the Jews of Frankfurt and Ordinances."] pp. 41, (1 blank). One divisional title. * Bound With (first): Privilegia, Des heyligen Reichs-Statt Franckfurt am Mayn ["Book of Laws of Frankfurt a/Main."] pp. 467, (1 blank). German and Latin bullae. Title in red and black. One divisional title. Replete with old Latin marginalia Browned. Contemporary vellum, covered with Latin, rebacked. Folio

Frankfurt a/Main: Johann Saurn 1614

Est: $8,000 - $10,000
Der Juden zu Franckfurt Stattigkeit und Ordnung is exclusively devoted to setting out the Statutes ("Stattigkeiten") imposed upon the Jews of Frankfurt. The title page has a ring in the center, in some copies colored yellow. Jews were required by law to wear a yellow circle on their clothing whenever they ventured forth from the Ghetto. On p. 8, there are engravings of two types of caps the male Jews of Frankfurt were obligated to wear. Publication of this work was undoubtedly a contributing factor in the eruption of the infamous Fettmilch Uprising on August 5th, 1614. Led by Vincent Fettmilch, a guild leader, the rioters pillaged the Frankfurt ghetto and order was not restored until the Emperor himself intervened. Ultimately, on March 10th, 1616, Vincent and six of his collaborators were hung and quartered. The Jews of Frankfurt annually celebrated the day of their salvation as "Purim Winz" (Purim of Vincent, i.e. Fettmilch). As so often in their history, the Jews were caught in the middle between two mutually inimical strata of society, in this case between the Senate of Frankfurt and the Guilds. In 1612, Fettmilch had petitioned the Emperor, claiming that the Senate favored the Jews. Over the next two years, he continued to agitate against the Senate and the Jews. See EJ, Vol. VI, col. 1248. For the 1613 edition of these Edicts, see Sotheby's, Judaica, December 2007, Lot 146