Kol Kore Hoda’a Geluya. Announcement by Rabbi Chaim Yoseph Maman, Rosh Av Beth Din of Oran, prohibiting the use of a “cylinderic millstone” to grind wheat for Passover.

Thursday, June 14th,
2018 at 3:00 PM
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Ceremonial & Graphic Art
Lot 46
Kol Kore Hoda’a Geluya. Announcement by Rabbi Chaim Yoseph Maman, Rosh Av Beth Din of Oran, prohibiting the use of a “cylinderic millstone” to grind wheat for Passover.
Oran: 1912
Est: $200 - $300
The Rabbi of this Algerian coastal city was concerned about the Halachic ramifications of wheat intended for Matza being processed through a rapidly spinning cylinder. A number of works concerning this issue were published including Kol Tachana Vekol Techina (Jerusalem, 1912) by R. Raphael Chaim Moshe ibn Naim of Gibraltar, who here supported Rabbi Maman.