The Chasam Sofer). Chidushim al Masechta Gittin [Talmudic novellae]

AUCTION 66 | Thursday, November 19th, 2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art

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Lot 68

The Chasam Sofer). Chidushim al Masechta Gittin [Talmudic novellae]

Manuscript in Hebrew, written in a cursive Aschkenazic hand on paper. ff. 35. Variously worn, edges frayed. Unbound. Folio.

19th century

Est: $500 - $700
Innovations of the Chassam Sofer, written by a student, of his lectures on Tractate Gittin (until f. 10a