Nephutzoth Yehudah [sermons]

Thursday, May 27th,
2010 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, Graphic & Ceremonial Art Featuring an Exceptional Collection of American Judaica
Lot 183
Nephutzoth Yehudah [sermons]
Venice: Asher Parenzo for Giovanni di Gara 1589
Est: $300 - $500
Judah Moscato (c.1530-c.1593), Chief Rabbi of Mantua, established an entirely new school of homiletics. His purpose in preaching was not so much to educate, but rather to edify his audience - indeed it is known that his sermons were even attended by Gentiles. The fifty-two sermons recorded in the present work reflect the spirit of the Renaissance, and draw on the Author’s vast knowledge of rational and mystical thought. In later years, Moscato’s method would be emulated by Rabbis Azariah Figo and Leone Modena. See I. Bettan, Studies in Jewish Preaching (1939), pp. 192-226; S. Simonsohn, History of the Jews in the Duchy of Mantua (1977), pp. 721-2; EJ, Vol. XII, cols. 357-58.