Pinchas ben Aaron Maltzachi. Berachoth le- Sheva Shabthoth ha-Sefirah ke-Minhag ha-Kara’im be-Eretz Polin ve-Lita [“Blessings for the Seven Weeks of Sephirah according to the Karaite Rite of Poland and Lithuania.”]

Tuesday, January 27th,
2004 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts and Works of Graphic Art Including Holy Land Maps, Illustrated Books, Photography and Graphic Art from The Collection of Daniel M. Friedenberg of Greenwich, Conn
Lot 110
Pinchas ben Aaron Maltzachi. Berachoth le- Sheva Shabthoth ha-Sefirah ke-Minhag ha-Kara’im be-Eretz Polin ve-Lita [“Blessings for the Seven Weeks of Sephirah according to the Karaite Rite of Poland and Lithuania.”]
Vilna: Rosenthal 1927
Est: $300 - $400
On pp. 6-7 contains a song in Judeo-Tatar to be sung on the Festival of Shavu’oth (Pentecost). Concludes with song composed by the author for the dedication ceremony of the Karaite synagogue in Vilna on the 27th of Ellul, 5683 [1923]