(RaSHB”A). Teshuvoth Shailoth Le-RaMBa”N [responsa]

Thursday, December 04th,
2003 at 1:00
Kestenbaum & Company Holds Inaugural Auction of Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts at Their New Galleries
Lot 8
(Adret, Solomon IBN
(RaSHB”A). Teshuvoth Shailoth Le-RaMBa”N [responsa]
Venice: Daniel Bomberg 1519
Est: $1,500 - $2,000
Although this collection of responsa is ascribed to Nachmanides, careful perusal has determined that with the exception of five or six responsa, the entire collection is by the Rashb”a. As a respondent, he answers inquiries directly, without unneccessary lengthy scholastic discussion. The number of his responsa, including this pseudo-Nachmanides collection, reaches well over three thousand, with inquiries addressed from all parts of the world, and touching upon all phases of law - religious, family and civil, as well as theological concerns. See M. Waxman, History of Jewish Literature (1933) Vol. II pp.165-167.
Although an apparently earlier, undated, edition of diferent responsa of the Rashb”a was published in Rome, this is the first edition of these responsa attributed to the Ramba”n.