Revised Acts and Ordinances of Lower-Canada. pp. xiii, 728. <<* And:>> Les Actes et Ordonnances Revises du Bas-Canada. pp. xiii, 716.
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Revised Acts and Ordinances of Lower-Canada. pp. xiii, 728. <<* And:>> Les Actes et Ordonnances Revises du Bas-Canada. pp. xiii, 716.
Montreal: Derbishire & Desbarats 1845
Est: $1,200 - $1,800
Contains: “An Act to Declare Persons Professing the Jewish Religion, Entitled to all the Rights and Privileges of the other Subjects of His Majesty in this Province.” Enacted in 1831-2, the first year of the reign of King William IV, the Act is cited as I Will IV Cap. 57 and appears here on p. 33. This notable piece of legislation reads in its entirety: “Whereas doubts have arisen whether persons professing the Jewish Religion are, by law, entitled to many of the privileges enjoyed by the other subjects of His Majesty within this Province: Be it therefore enacted that all persons professing the Jewish Religion being natural-born British subjects inhabiting and residing in this Province, are entitled and shall be deemed, adjudged and taken to be entitled to the full rights and privileges of the other subjects of His Majesty, his Heirs or Successors, to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever, and capable of taking, having and enjoying any office or place of trust whatsoever, within this Province.” For other rights granted to the Jews, see pp. 647-48.