b'66(CHASSIDISM). Elimelech of Lizhensk. Noam Elimelech [discourses on the Torah]. Fifth edition. ff. 105. Closely shaved, worn and stained in places, outer corners of title repaired. Modern morocco. 4to. [Vinograd, Polonnoye 84; Stefansky, Chassiduth no. 378; C. Porush, Encyclopedia LeChassiduth Vol. I, col. 285;] Polonnoye, (Yoseph ben Tzvi HaKohen), 1814. $4000 - $6000THE MOST PROFOUND TEXT OF ALL EARLY CHASSIDIC LITERATURE. A RARE, EARLY EDITION. The Noam Elimelech was instantly acclaimed upon publication and has been reprinted scores of times since. An early edition is especially prized for the amuletic powers it is believed to contain.The author, R. Elimelech of Lizhensk (1717-86), was one of the foremost disciples of the Maggid of Mehzritch and a close colleague of R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Following the death of the Maggid, R. Elimelech became the uncrowned leader of the Chassidic movement, strongly inuencing its spread throughout Poland. Most of the Chassidic Rebbes of Galicia and Poland were his disciples.R. Elimelechs gravesite (Lezajsk, southeastern Poland) is a place of pilgrimage and thousands travel there, particularly for his yohrzeit on the 21st Adar.35'