Shulchan Aruch [code of Jewish law]. With commentary by Moses Isserles (ReM”A).

Thursday, November 09th,
2017 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters & Graphic Art
Lot 121
Shulchan Aruch [code of Jewish law]. With commentary by Moses Isserles (ReM”A).
Cracow: Isaac Prostitz 1583-1586, 1593
Est: $10,000 - $15,000
<<This edition of the Orach Chaim is unrecorded by Vinograd.>>
The Rem”a is considered to be the greatest Halachic authority and codifier in Poland. His contemporaries looked to him as the “Maimonides of Polish Jewry” in his methodical approach, manner of study, character and humility. These glosses to Yoseph Karo’s Shulchan Aruch are also known as the”Mapah” - or, “Table-cloth” to Yoseph Karo’s “Prepared Table.” It resulted in the universal acceptance of the the Shulchan Aruch in both Aschkenazic and Sephardic hemispheres. The Rema’s contribution added supplements, explanations and Aschkenazic / Polish customs and practices pertaining to all walks of life, which were not included, or differed from the practices cited by Yoseph Karo. The Rema’s rulings are considered binding on Aschkenazic Jews worldwide.