Eitz Avoth [commentary to Ethics of the Fathers, with text]

AUCTION 74 | Thursday, November 09th, 2017 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters & Graphic Art

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Eitz Avoth [commentary to Ethics of the Fathers, with text]

<<FIRST EDITION.>> Signature of D. Meldola on title-page. ff. 82. Lightly browned. Modern calf-backed marbled boards. 4to.

Amsterdam, (i.e. Altona):

Est: $1,500 - $2,000
Besides providing the earlier commentaries of Bartenura and Tosphoth Yom Tov, R. Jacob Emden includes here two original commentaries: Lechem Nikudim, dealing with grammatical and linguistic issues; and Lechem Shamayim, of a conceptual nature. The book was published with the Haskamah of the author’s brother-in-law, R. Aryeh Leib of Amsterdam. Includes polemic against Zalman Hena’s Beth Tephilah - Luach Eresh, demonstrating that Hena did not properly vocalize Pirkei Avoth (ff. 75v.-82v).