etc.) Group of miscellaneous letters and ephemera in Hebrew, German and Ladino. Including nine drafts of letters written by the Parnassim of Amsterdam (1765-95) to various cities and individuals concerning issues such as: Funds received from the communities of Surinam and Rotterdam; payment of debts to help the community of Metz; to Rabbanith Sarah Leah consolation upon the death of her son-in-law and details concerning Chalitzah and making a compromise with her mechutan the Rabbi of Berlin; the passing of R. Saul of Amsterdam; a forged Kashruth certification for cheese; and other matters. * Along with: Two autograph letters from Solomon Buber to Jacob Reifman; an autograph letter from R. Samuel Isaac Hillman to R. Isser Zalman Meltzer (1931) concerning funds raised for the Yeshiva of his son-in-law (R. Aaron Kotler); poetry, commentaries pertaining to the work of the Kohanim in the Temple and other matters.
Variously worn. v.s.