Gesänge für den öffentlichen jüdischen Gottesdienst, aus verschiedenen Liedersammlungen zusammengetragen: Im Verlage der Keneseth Israel Gemeinde.

AUCTION 69 | Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Holy Land Maps and Ceremonial Objects

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Gesänge für den öffentlichen jüdischen Gottesdienst, aus verschiedenen Liedersammlungen zusammengetragen: Im Verlage der Keneseth Israel Gemeinde.

The Bernhard Felsenthal copy, with his name gilt-tooled on upper cover. pp. 93, (1). Ex-library, touch stained, final few leaves loose. Contemporary morocco, extremities rubbed. 8vo. Singerman 1749.

Philadelphia: Stein & Jones 1862

Est: $2,000 - $3,000
This German language hymnal was published for Congregation Keneseth Israel of Philadelphia. Established in 1847, this was the first Congregation in Philadelphia to incorporate Reform practices, indeed one of the very first in the country to do so. The common language of prayer was now no longer Hebrew, but German. English was not introduced into the service until some four decades later. At this early stage of the development of Reform in America, few liturgical resources were available to its adherents. Each congregation fashioned a liturgy uniquely suited for its particular needs. Keneseth Israel was guided in its shift to Reform by Rev. Louis Naumburg (1813-1902) and it is likely that this Gesänge was the product of his pen. It first appeared in 1856 and is a much expanded - by three times - new edition. It was only natural to augment the new Reform liturgy with hymnals, as “hymnals and songsters … particularly in the early phases of Reform … played a major role in the reformed worship services.” (J. Petuchowski, Prayerbook Reform).