Berner Bilderbuch vom Zionisten-Prozess um die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion. * With: Two publisher’s price lists and advertisement for Ulrich Fleischhauer’s “Das Gericht-Gutachen” [“The Court Expert’s Reports.”]
Thursday, June 25th,
2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art
Lot 135
Berner Bilderbuch vom Zionisten-Prozess um die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion. * With: Two publisher’s price lists and advertisement for Ulrich Fleischhauer’s “Das Gericht-Gutachen” [“The Court Expert’s Reports.”]
Erfurt: U. Bodung-Verlag 1936
Est: $800 - $1,200
The Berne Trial (also known as the “Zionistenprozess”) was a celebrated trial held in Berne, Switzerland between 1933-35, under an obscenity-related statute (“Art.14 des Bernischen Gesetzes über das Lichtspielwesen und Massnahmen gegen Schundliteratur 1916.”) The plaintiffs, the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund (SIG) and the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Bern, sued the Bund Nationalsozialistischer Eidgenossen (BNSE) who distributed anti-Semitic pamphlets during a meeting in the Berne Casino organized by the National Front and the Heimatwehr. The trial with its witnesses and supposed experts on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion caused an international sensation.