Justus Jonas von Warnrechtigen. Tricinium. I. Cursum francofurdianum, II. Cursum maximae partis mundi, III. Colloquium gallico-hispanicum, canens. Oder Dreyfaches Gleich.
Thursday, November 14th,
2013 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Graphic Art and Ceremonial Objects
Lot 123
Justus Jonas von Warnrechtigen. Tricinium. I. Cursum francofurdianum, II. Cursum maximae partis mundi, III. Colloquium gallico-hispanicum, canens. Oder Dreyfaches Gleich.
(Frankfurt am Main?): 1616
Est: $1,500 - $2,000
Concerns the Fettmilch Uprising in Frankfurt.
Economic and social antagonisms had long been simmering between the wealthy patrician families of Frankfurt and the guild craftsmen and petty traders, many of whom were in debt to Jews. The struggle flared into open rebellion when in 1614 a rabble, led by Vincent Fettmilch, stormed the Frankfurt’s Jewish Ghetto and gave vent to their anger by plundering Jewish homes. The Jews were expelled from the city, but the Emperor outlawed the rioters and their leaders were arrested and later put to death. Subsequently the Jews were ceremoniously returned to Frankfurt, an event annually commemorated on the 20th Adar by the Frankfurt community and known as “Purim Winz” (“Purim of Vincent”).
As a reaction to the Fettmilch Rebellion the city of Frankfurt enacted regulations relating to Jewish habitation and business conduct.