Shadar Letter for Emissary [shd”r = shelucha De-Rabbanan]. Official Certificate of Recommendation for R. Gavriel Aaron Sutton to gather funds in aid of the Community of Hebron in Morocco, Tunisia, Gibraltar and Brazil

Tuesday, June 26th,
2007 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Graphic & Ceremonial Art
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Shadar Letter for Emissary [shd”r = shelucha De-Rabbanan]. Official Certificate of Recommendation for R. Gavriel Aaron Sutton to gather funds in aid of the Community of Hebron in Morocco, Tunisia, Gibraltar and Brazil
Hebron: 1925
Est: $500 - $700
Includes the names of the various institutions of Hebron as well as the sacred grave sites. This emissary was a prominent scholar from an eminent family. His father, R. Chaviv Chaim David Sutton (author of Tokpo Shel Nes) was also sent as an emissary from Hebron. See Yaari, Sheluchei Eretz Yisrael, p.655