Ha’atakath Mekithvei Admo”r mi-Bobroisk Bedevar Mischar Ha’Ethrogim [“Copies of letters of Rebbe of Bobroisk Concerning the Trade in Citrons.”]

Tuesday, June 20th,
2006 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Including Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, & Autograph Letters
Lot 34
Ha’atakath Mekithvei Admo”r mi-Bobroisk Bedevar Mischar Ha’Ethrogim [“Copies of letters of Rebbe of Bobroisk Concerning the Trade in Citrons.”]
Poltava: Rabinowitz 1913
Est: $1,000 - $1,500
An unusual polemical tract relating to strife within the Chabad community in Eretz Israel divided between the adherents of Shalom Dov Baer (Rasha”b) of Lubavitch and his first cousin, Shemariah Noah of Bobroisk. The “sichsuch,” or controversy, was primarily economic, concerning the equitable division of funds of Kollel Chabad in the Holy Land.
It appears that the title was a subterfuge designed to deter Russian government censors, or perhaps even Lubavitch partisans. The internal document was designed to circulate strictly among Bobroisk adherents.
(Further details concerning this tract available upon request)