Repuesta al libro intitulado Politica de Dios, Govierno de Christo, Tirania de Satanas, que compuso Francisco de Queredo [Response to the book entitled Poltics of God, Government of Christ, Tyranny of Satan, composed by Francisco de Queredo]

Tuesday, March 30th,
2004 at 1:00
Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts from The Rare Book Room of the Jews College Library, London The Third Portion
Lot 224
Repuesta al libro intitulado Politica de Dios, Govierno de Christo, Tirania de Satanas, que compuso Francisco de Queredo [Response to the book entitled Poltics of God, Government of Christ, Tyranny of Satan, composed by Francisco de Queredo]
Madrid: 1626
Est: $5,000 - $7,000
In 1626 the Spanish satirist Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Villegas (1580-1645) published the political essay Poltica de Dios, gobierno de Cristo y tiranía de Satanás, which poked fun at Christianity. The present manuscript is a defense of the Church. Whatever reservations de Quevedo might have had about organized Christiany, he was hardly a friend of the Jews. De Quevedo attacked his literary rival Luis de Góngora with allusions to his nose—it was commonly believed that the nose revealed a man’s Jewish origin—and threatened to anoint his own poems with bacon so that Góngora would be deterred from stealing them! See EJ, Vol. XV, cols. 249-250