Hebrew. PSALMS). Sepher Tehilim with commentaries by R. David Kimchi (RaDa”K) and R. Joseph Chayun (ReYa”CH)
Tuesday, March 30th,
2004 at 1:00
Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts from The Rare Book Room of the Jews College Library, London The Third Portion
Lot 46
Hebrew. PSALMS). Sepher Tehilim with commentaries by R. David Kimchi (RaDa”K) and R. Joseph Chayun (ReYa”CH)
Salonika: Don Judah Gedaliah 1522
Est: $8,000 - $10,000
Joseph ben Abraham Chayun (d.1497) was the last Chief Rabbi of Lisbon before the Expulsion from Portugal. From Lisbon, Chayun went to Contantinople, dying shortly thereafter. The commentary on Psalms is Chayun’s first published work. It was followed by a commentary on Ethics of the Fathers, Milei de-Avoth (Constantinople, 1578). His most famous disciple was R. Joseph Ya’abetz, known in rabbinic literature as “He-Chasid Ya’abetz.” Abrabanel consulted with Chayon in Lisbon on halachic matters. See Ya’ari, Ha-Defus ha-Ivri be-Kushta (1967), p. 128, no. 195; EJ, Vol. VII, col. 1514.
The printer, Judah Gedaliah. was foreman at Eliezer Toledano’s press in Lisbon. After the expulsion of the Jews from Portugal (1497) he settled in Salonika and became the town’s prototypographer in 1515