MONTEFIORE, SIR MOSES. English philanthropist (1784-1885). Group of c. 38 works relating to Sir Moses Montefiore and family. Including:
*MONTEFIORE, JUDITH. Yehudith [travel journal of Lady Judith Montefiore, wife of Sir Moses on their visit to the Holy Land in 1839]. Translated into Hebrew from the original English by Eliezer Saul. pp. vi; 285. Lightly browned. Original gilt-titled blue coth. Sm. 8vo. [Vinograd, London 324]. London, Nathan Valentine, (1836).
* TZEDEK, JOSEPH COHEN (Editor). Naveh Tehillah [Compendium of letters and poems in honor of Sir Moses Montefiore on his return from Morocco]. Each page within a tyopgraphical border. pp. 26, 24, 72, 80, 38. Lightly browned, scattered stains, a.e.g. Original royal blue gilt-tooled boards. 8vo. [Friedberg, Nun 148]. Lemberg, 1868
Variously worn, variously bound