YOCHANAN B. ISAAC OF HOELLESCHAU (Editor). Teshuvath Hageonim [responsa concerning the correct pronunciation of the name of God]. * WITH: Ma’aseh Rav [halachic polemic]

Tuesday, March 30th,
2004 at 1:00
Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts from The Rare Book Room of the Jews College Library, London The Third Portion
Lot 28
YOCHANAN B. ISAAC OF HOELLESCHAU (Editor). Teshuvath Hageonim [responsa concerning the correct pronunciation of the name of God]. * WITH: Ma’aseh Rav [halachic polemic]
Amsterdam: Immanuel ben Joseph Athias 1707
Est: $1,200 - $1,800
The polemic concerns a divorce granted by Chief Rabbi Aaron Hart (also known as R. Uri Phoebus Hamburger) to one Ansel Katz of London prior his flight to the West Indies due to gambling debts. This divorce was publicly criticized by Mordechai Hamburger who was promptly placed under the communal ban of “herem.” The ensuing quarrel involved Rabbis from three different countries (the Chacham Tzvi of Hamburg and the Rabbis of Amsterdam and Rotterdam) and caused a rift in the Aschkenazic congregation of London. Interspersed are many personal details concerning the internecine conflict of the protagonists of this Anglo-Jewish cause celebré. See also G.W. Busse, The Herem of Rabenu Tam in Queen Anne’s London, in JHSE Transactions, Vol. XX (1968) pp. 138- 48