Yedai Moshe [homilies to the Five Scrolls]
Tuesday, March 30th,
2004 at 1:00
Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts from The Rare Book Room of the Jews College Library, London The Third Portion
Lot 10
Yedai Moshe [homilies to the Five Scrolls]
Venice: Daniel Zanetti 1597
Est: $400 - $600
Moses Almosnino, preacher of Salonika, records native Salonikan traditions. On f. 84r. he transmits an interpretation of Lamentations he heard in his youth from “the great and holy Joseph Taitatzak.” Taitatzak, an older contemporary of Joseph Karo, has become the focus of much academic interest of late for it seems he too, as Karo, was under the influence of a “Maggid” or astral guide.
Almosnino left several unpublished manuscripts. The author himself several times alludes to his work P’nei Moshe (see eg. ff. 85r., 108v.). Of scientific interest is Almosnino’s commentary on the Hebrew translation of the Sphera Mundi entitled Beth Elo-him (The House of God). See Meyer Waxman, A History of Jewish Literature, vol. I (1933) p. 319; EJ, Vol. II, cols. 669-671