Tuesday, June 25th,
2002 at 1:00
Important Hebrew Printed Books and Manuscripts From the Library of the London Beth Din
Lot 229
London: n.p. 5678-1917
Est: $300 - $500
Programme of Thanksgiving for the British Government’s declaration of sympathy with Zionist aspirations communicated to Lord Rothschild by the Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour in a letter dated November 2nd 1917 which became known as the ”Balfour Declaration.”
Speakers at the programme included The Rt. Hon. Herbert L. Samuel, Nachum Sokolow and Dr. Chaim weizmann. Of interest, the programme inscluded Mr. H. N. Mostditchian, a member of the Armenian national Delegation and Shakh Ismail Abdu-al-Akki and M. Wadia’ Kesrawani, two Arab representatives