Tuesday, June 25th,
2002 at 1:00
Important Hebrew Printed Books and Manuscripts From the Library of the London Beth Din
Lot 147
Rome: Nella Stamperia della Reu v.d
Est: $700 - $1,000
Hezekiah Manoach Corcos was a member of the Rome branch of the Corcos family of Spanish exiles. He was appointed rabbi and secretary of the Roman Jewish community in 1702 and devoted much energy to communal affairs. In 1697 he appeared before the Congregation of the Holy Office to refute the anti-Jewish calumnies spread by the apostate Paolo Sebastiano Medici. In 1705-6, his testimonial pleas were successful in securing the withdrawal of the blood libel in Viterbo. See EJ V, col. 963 and C. Roth, The History of the Jews of Italy (1946) p. 388-9