Harris, Sarah. Thoughts Suggested by Bible Texts. Addressed to my Children. Edited by Isaac Lesser

Tuesday, March 12th,
2002 at 1:00
Fine Hebrew Books, Manuscripts and Works of Art The Property of Various Owners
Lot 29
Harris, Sarah. Thoughts Suggested by Bible Texts. Addressed to my Children. Edited by Isaac Lesser
Philadelphia: Hebrew Sunday School Society 1861
Est: $1,500 - $2,000
“The little volume herewith presented to American-Israelites appeared anonymously, about three years ago in England...only for private circulation. Mr. Leeser, in order to render it more easy as a lesson-book, has appended headings to the various subjects... and has here and there also corrected some slight verbal inaccuracies... we only wish that many more religious works of the kind may be prepared in the vernacular for American Israelites.” (Introduction)