Akeidath Yitzchak [philosophical and allegorical homilies to the Pentateuch]

Tuesday, November 13th,
2001 at 1:00
Important Hebrew Printed Books and Manuscripts From the Library of the London Beth Din
Lot 50
Akeidath Yitzchak [philosophical and allegorical homilies to the Pentateuch]
Venice: Daniel Bomberg 1547
Est: $800 - $1,000
Representative of an anti-Aristotelian trend, directed chiefly against Maimonides and his followers, Arama’s philosophical influence is reflected primarily in the writings of Isaac Abarbanel. Affectionately known as the “Ba’al Akeida,” Arama has been consistently quoted and utilized, especially by Polish and Galician preachers, until the present day. Numerous works interpreting Arama’s philosophy were issued through the centuries, of particular note is Israel Kitover’s Biurei Ha’midoth (1875). Arama’s great popularity stems from his stylistic combination of the Aschkenazic didactic and moralizing style with the philosophic tendency popular among Spanish and Provencal Jews. See I. Rivkind, Kiryat Sepher, vol. II p.60