Hamivta Belashon Ha’ivrit. * WIth: Brainin, Reuben. Hasaphrut Ha’ivrit Ve’atidoteha.

AUCTION 13 | Tuesday, June 26th, 2001 at 1:00
Important Hebrew Printed Books and Manuscripts Together With Fine Graphic and Ceremonial Art

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Hamivta Belashon Ha’ivrit. * WIth: Brainin, Reuben. Hasaphrut Ha’ivrit Ve’atidoteha.

FIRST EDITION. Two essays issued together. pp.14, with publisher’s ad at end. Original printed paper wrappers. 12mo

New York: for the Histadrut Ha’ivri Be’America 1917

Est: $200 - $300
Two lectures presented at the inaugural convention of The Histadrut Ivrit America. Brainin discusses the future of Hebrew literature. Ben-Eliezer posits that the Sephardi pronunciation of Hebrew is more accurate than the Aschkenazi pronunciation.