...Buchlein der Jude Peicht

Tuesday, June 03rd,
1997 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Books, Manuscripts and Works of Art Including Property from a Dutch Private Collector and the Late T. Nachum Gidal
Lot 328
...Buchlein der Jude Peicht
Nürnberg: J. Weissenburgerr 1508
Est: $15,000 - $18,000
Pfefferkorn, a Jewish butcher, became a zealous anti-Jewish agitator following his conversion to Christianity. This tract, is a biased account of the Jewish New Year and Day of Atonement rituals as practiced in Germany at the turn of the 16th century. Despite the prejudice of the text, the woodcuts are quite objective, indeed they represent one of the earliest illustrative depictions of Jewish custom in a printed book. The images were reused in 1530 by Margaritha in his Ganz Jüdisch Glaub (cf. Rubens 228-32). See G.W. Panzer, Anneln der Alten Deutschen Litteratur (1960) Vol. I p.292