Kol Bochim… Kinath Setarim [Kabbalistic commentary to the Book of Lamentations, with text].

AUCTION 79 | Thursday, November 15th, 2018 at 1:00 PM
The Valmadonna Trust Library: Further Selections from the Historic Collection. * Hebrew Printing in America. * Graphic & Ceremonial Art

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Kol Bochim… Kinath Setarim [Kabbalistic commentary to the Book of Lamentations, with text].

First separate edition with additional material, including an annotated commentary from the Zohar. Browned and stained, few neat marginal repairs, previous owner’s marks, small loss to outer corner of title. Bound in Valmadonna-custom calf-backed marbled boards. Vinograd, Prague 298; Mehlman 1060.

Prague: Moses ben Bezalel Katz 1621

Est: $700 - $900
Brother and pupil of R. Moshe Galante, R. Abraham (d. 1560) settled in Safed as did his brother. Both were disciples of Moses Cordovero. R. Abraham distinguished himself among his brethren, earning the appellation “HaKadosh.” Due to his wealth he had thje means to erect a splendid mausoleum over the tomb of R. Shimon b’r Yocḥai admired to this day in Meron.