A collection of Hebrew incunable fragments / leaves. Some wear, few leaves repaired and with some loss. Modern boards. Sold not subject to return.
<<*>> 1. Bachiah ben Asher. Pirush HaTorah [commentary to the Pentateuch]. 11 leaves, with 2 manuscript leaves of Sepher Devarim. Containing parts of Parshath Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Thaitzei and Nitzavim. [Vinograd, Naples 21]. Naples, Azriel ben Joseph Aschkenazi Gunzenhauser, 1492.
<<*>> 2. David Kimchi (RaDa”K). Peirush Nevi’im Acharonim [commentary to Latter Prophets]. 10 leaves. Includes 9 leaves containing parts of commentary to Isaiah. ff. 31-38, 40. Marginalia in an early hand. Inserted: f. 233, the final leaf of Ezekiel. [Vinograd, Guadalajara 24]. Guadalajara, Solomon Alkabetz, 1482.
<<*>> 3. Ya’akov ben Asher. Tur Yoreh Deah. 4 leaves (fragments). Sections of Simanim 16, 18, 251, 253, 294-7, 299. [Vinograd, Hijar 6]. Hijar, Eliezer Alantansi, 1487.
<<*>> 4. Bible: Kethuvim. With commentaries. 43 leaves. Includes: Megilath Eichah (Lamentations), ff. 67-70 (complete). Megilath Ruth, ff. 71-73 (complete). Megilath Esther, ff. 74-78 (complete). Daniel, ff. 79-91 (complete). Ezra-Nechemia, ff. 92-110 (complete). [Vinograd, Naples 2]. Naples, Joseph ben Jacob Aschkenazi Gunzenhauser, 1487.
<<*>> 5. Bible: Tehilim (Psalms). With commentary by RaDa”K. 2 leaves. Fragment of Psalm 104. [Vinograd, Naples 4]. Naples, Joseph ben Jacob Aschkenazi Gunzenhauser, 1487.
<<*>> 6. (Post-incunabula). David Abudraham. Sepher Avudraham [commentary to prayers]. 7 leaves. ff. 61, 63, 64-68. [Vinograd, Fez 2]. Fez, Samuel Nedivoth, 1517.