(Liturgy). Seder Tephilath Yisrael - Israelitisk Bonnebog for hele Aaret. <<Bound With:>> Danske Bonner for Israeliter.

Thursday, March 08th,
2018 at 1:00 PM
Auction of Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Antiquities, Ceremonial Objects & Graphic Art
Lot 140
(Liturgy). Seder Tephilath Yisrael - Israelitisk Bonnebog for hele Aaret. <<Bound With:>> Danske Bonner for Israeliter.
Est: $1,000 - $1,500
<<FIRST COMPLETE TRANSLATION INTO DANISH OF THE HEBREW LITURGY.>> Scarce - a fire destroyed a great many copies shortly after its publication. A second edition was issued in 1858.
“The father of Danish homiletics,” Darmstadt-born Abraham Alexander Wolff (1801-91) assumed the office of Chief Rabbi of Denmark in 1829, a position he served until his death.