Hebrew). Kehiloth Moshe. With numerous commentaries including Ralbag, Chizkuni, Sforno, Imrei Noam, Kometz HaMincha, Minchath Ketana, Minchath Erev, etc.

Thursday, March 08th,
2018 at 1:00 PM
Auction of Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Antiquities, Ceremonial Objects & Graphic Art
Lot 124
Hebrew). Kehiloth Moshe. With numerous commentaries including Ralbag, Chizkuni, Sforno, Imrei Noam, Kometz HaMincha, Minchath Ketana, Minchath Erev, etc.
Est: $5,000 - $7,000
The seventh Biblia Rabbinica. The first Rabbinic Bible to be produced solely by Jews and by far, the most elaborate and technically superior version of the Rabbinic Bible. In addition to the standard Biblical text, Kehiloth Moshe encompasses some thirty-six separate commentaries, including sixteen previously unpublished commentaries, from the first post-medieval exegetical inclusions in a Rabbinic Bible to a host of later writers. It includes numerous features such as indices to chapters of Talmudic tractates, massorah magna and parva and massoretic variations between Ben Asher and Ben Naftali.