84 117 (AMERICAN JUDAICA) Group of eight Manuscripts relating to Jews active in business in 18th-century Newport: Including Aaron Lopez, Aaron Levy, Isaac Gomez and others. * 1. Isaac Gomez. Shipping Document. 1729. * 2. Moses Levy. Bill of Sale. 1752. * 3. Aaron Lopez. List of Accounts. 1763. * 4. Aaron Lopez. Bill of Sale. 1768. * 5. Aaron Lopez. Shipping Document. 1769. * 6. Myer Polock. Bill of Sale. 1769. * 7. Aaron Lopez. Bill of Sale. 1770. * 8. Pennsylvania State Government Document. Signed by Aaron Levy. 1782. Newport, etc, 1729-82. $4000 - $6000 ❧ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EACH DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. — AM E R I C A N -JU D A I C A — MA N U S C R I P T S & AU T O G R A P H LE T T E R S F R O M T H E CO L L E C T I O N O F T H E L AT E YO S E F GO L D M A N 118 ( A M E R IC A N / DU T C H J U DA IC A) Approximately thirty commercial and legal documents. Texts in Dutch, English and Hebrew. Many finely written on vellum, or printed on fine paper with wax seals. 1751-1844. $5000 - $7000 ❧ This collection is a trove of deeds, wills, receipts, and court documents belonging to a variety of Dutch and American Jews, including Michael Gratz and the Joseph de Pinto family.