Shalom Buzaglo. Mikdash Melech, part III [commentary to the Zohar]

Thursday, September 22nd,
2016 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autographed Letters, Graphic and Ceremonial Art
Lot 131
Shalom Buzaglo. Mikdash Melech, part III [commentary to the Zohar]
Amsterdam: Hertz Levi Rophe and son-in-law 1750
Est: $15,000 - $18,000
R. Moshe Shlomo of Tolchin was one of the most prominent disciples of the Vilna Gaon, and was especially steeped in the study of Kabbalah. According to the introduction of the Vilna Gaon’s children to Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, R. Moshe Shlomo studied Zohar, Sepher Yetzirah and the writings of Isaac Luria exclusively with the Gaon. The author of Sha’ar Hashirim, many of the kabbalistic writings of the Gaon were copied from R. Moshe Shlomo’s notes. See K. Reddish, MeGinzei HaGra U’Beth Midrasho (1999) p. 168; and B. Naor, Biur Hagra al Sifra DeTzniutha (with notes by R. Moshe Shlomo of Tolchin) (1998) p. 32.
Mikdash Melech was the first systematic commentary of the entire Zohar to be published. The author, a Moroccan-born Kabbalist served as a member of the Aschkenazic London Beth Din. Buzgalo’s sterling reputation and his preeminence in kabbalistic matters were such that both R. Jonathan Eybeschuetz and R. Jacob Emden attempted to influence him to endorse their positions.