(Yeshivath Torath Emeth, Jerusalem). Correspondence from the administrators of the Yeshiva R. Alter Simchavitz and R. Chanoch Hendel Havlin, almost all written to R. Yisroel Jacobson.

Thursday, June 23rd,
2016 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Holy Land Maps and Ceremonial Objects
Lot 235
(Yeshivath Torath Emeth, Jerusalem). Correspondence from the administrators of the Yeshiva R. Alter Simchavitz and R. Chanoch Hendel Havlin, almost all written to R. Yisroel Jacobson.
Jerusalem: 1938-56
Est: $700 - $1,000
The Lubavitch Yeshiva Torath Emeth of Jerusalem was established by the Rebbe Rashab in 1912. Supervision continued under his successors, however an increasing rift grew within the administration of the Yeshiva and Rabbi Chanoch Havlin was replaced. In 1956 the Chief Rabbinate of Israel presided over a Din Torah and the decision was reached that the Yeshiva was a part and parcel of the official network of Lubavitch institutions and all funds raised were to be given over to the administration that was appointed by the Rebbe.
R. Yisroel Jacobson (1895-1975), a disciple of the Rashab, arrived in America in 1925. He served as Rabbi in Brownsville, Brooklyn and was particularly active in promoting the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s interests in America.