Jewish Wedding.

Wednesday, December 16th,
2015 at 1:00
One Hundred and Fifty Years of Jewish Art
Lot 13
Jewish Wedding.
Polish-South African, (1903–38):
Est: $7,000 - $9,000
Raised within a traditionally Jewish milieu, Polish-born artist Wolf Kibel chose to pursue his studies of art in Europe’s more cosmopolitan centers before migrating to the Land of Israel. In 1929 Kibel joined his brother in Cape Town, bringing to South Africa the Expressionist art of the 1920’s, thus introducing the style to South Africa for the very first time.
In viewing Kibel’s body of work one can detect influences ranging from Paul Cezanne to Chaim Soutine. The current example is reminiscent of both Oskar Kokoschka and Sonia Delaunay’s playful, orphic abstractions and expressionistic works.