Chidushim al Masecheth Beitzah [novellea to the Talmud]

AUCTION 66 | Thursday, November 19th, 2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art

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Lot 27

Chidushim al Masecheth Beitzah [novellea to the Talmud]

Manuscript in Hebrew, written in cursive Aschkenazic hand on paper. ff. 68. Lightly browned. Contemporary boards, light wear. Lg. 4to.

Petchineidorf: 19th century

Est: $1,000 - $1,500
<<autograph unpublished manuscript>> of an original commentary to Masechta Beitzah. R. Moshe Hirsch (Pera) Gross (d. 1871) studied under R. Yitzchak Frankel of Kroli and later served as rabbi of Petchineidorf. He communicated with R. Moshe Sofer (Chasam Sofer) and appears in the latter’s responsa.