Pithuchei Chotham [novellea to the Talmud]

AUCTION 66 | Thursday, November 19th, 2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art

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Pithuchei Chotham [novellea to the Talmud]

Bound in two volumes. Manuscript in Hebrew, in cursive Moroccan Hebrew hand on paper. With the <<Author’s autograph notations>> and corrections throughout. ff. 198 (total). Variously stained and worn, margins frayed. Modern boards. Folio.

Meknes, Morocco: 18th-19th century

Est: $4,000 - $6,000
An extensive commentary to Talmud Bavli, Rashi and Tosefoth. Volume I comprising: Berachoth, Beitzah, Ta’anith, Chulin and Kethuvoth. Volume II: Bava Metzia, Nidah, Ta’anith, Sukah, Avodah Zara and Megilah. A portion of this commentary was first published in Jerusalem in 1980. R. Pethachiah Mordechai Berdugo (1764-1820) a member of the prestigious Berdugo rabbinic family of Morocco, served as Chief Rabbi of Meknes. He authored the volume of responsa “Nopheth Tzufim