Arbeitsbericht des Zentralausschusses der Deutschen Juden fuer Hilfe und Aufbau [“Work Report of the Central Committee of German Jews for Aid and Reconstruction.”]

Thursday, June 25th,
2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art
Lot 137
Arbeitsbericht des Zentralausschusses der Deutschen Juden fuer Hilfe und Aufbau [“Work Report of the Central Committee of German Jews for Aid and Reconstruction.”]
Germany: 1934-36
Est: $1,000 - $1,500
Established in April 1933 as a collaboration of various German-Jewish communal, political and social-welfare organizations, the Zentralausschusses der Deutschen Juden fuer Hilfe und Aufbau sought to provide financial assistance for German Jews who lost their businesses or employment due to anti-Jewish legislation due to the restrictive Nazi laws, and provide job training for Jews who needed new professions. By 1934 the committee was incorporated into the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland [Reich Representation of German Jews] and consolidated all financial aid, including that of the Joint Distribution Committee who itself was instrumental in assisting nearly 200,000 Jews leave Germany.