(Traditionally attributed to). Zohar Chadash…U’Midrash HaNe’elam [kabbalah]
Thursday, June 25th,
2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art
Lot 50
(Traditionally attributed to). Zohar Chadash…U’Midrash HaNe’elam [kabbalah]
Venice: Bragadin 1658
Est: $2,000 - $3,000
<<EXTENSIVE MANUSCRIPT NOTATIONS THROUGHOUT>> . The title page explains the signatures: “Yemin” is Ya’akov M’Vilna Yerushalmi; and “Chiyun” is Chaim Yerucham Vilna.
R. Yaakov Vilna lived in Jerusalem during the 17th century among the Sephardic Kabbalists. His approbations appear on many important works such as Lampronti’s Pachad Yitzchak. His vast knowledge of Kabbalah brought him to edit the text of the Zoharic works. His son, R. Chaim Yerucham, published the Tikunei HaZohar in Constantinople 1740, with his father’s corrections and notations (see his introduction there). In subsequent editions the Tikunei Zohar was published together with Tikunei Zohar Chadash. Indeed the title pages state: “Edited according to Yemin” (editions 1872, 1883, 1885, 1886). This is true regarding the Tikunei Zohar alone, but not the Tikunei Zohar Chadash. <<THE NOTATIONS AND CORRECTIONS THAT ARE IN THIS VOLUME WERE NEVER PUBLISHED.>> Just as the Tikunei Zohar was issued according to R. Ya’akov Vilna’s corrections, it would be appropriate to publish the Tikunei Zohar Chadash with his additions. For example, at least 30 places R. Ya’akov Vilna cites R. Menachem di Lonzano, novellae that has never been published, nor known from other sources.
In all, this volume contains some 2,000 manuscript glosses.