Sefer HaKanah [Kabbalah]

Thursday, June 25th,
2015 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Ceremonial Objects and Graphic Art
Lot 19
Sefer HaKanah [Kabbalah]
Germany: circa 1700
Est: $2,000 - $3,000
This work was first published in Koretz 1784, however, a great part of the introduction present in this manuscript does not appear in print. The marginal notations are possibly by R. Ephraim Zalman Margoliouth of Brod.
For scholarly opinion in regard to the authorship of this pseudonymous Kabbalistic work see B. Netanyahu, Zeman Chiburam shel Siphrei Hakaneh VeHaPeli’ah, in: Sepher HaYovel LeChevod Shalom Baron (Salo Baron Festschrift), Vol. III (1974) pp. 247-67; and I. Ta-Shema, Where Were the Books ha-Kaneh and Ha-Pliah Composed? in: Studies in the History of Jewish Society in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Period (Jacob Katz Festschrift) (1980), pp. 56-63.