Group of four printed pamphlets relating to the dawn of the State of Israel.

Wednesday, March 12th,
2014 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Graphic Art and Ceremonial Objects
Lot 149
Group of four printed pamphlets relating to the dawn of the State of Israel.
Est: $400 - $600
* Hachlatat Ha’Umot HaMuchadot al Hakamat HaMedinah Ha’Ivrit [text of the United Nations Partition Plan]. pp. 31. Tel Aviv, (1947).
* Chief Rabbis Isaac Herzog & Ben-Zion Uziel. Tephilah LeShalom Medinat Yisrael [prayer for the peace of the State of Israel]. pp. (4). Jerusalem, 1948.
* Beit Haknesset HaGadol. Seder HaTefilah LeChag Ha’Atzma’ut HaRishon BeMedinat Yisrael [prayer service for the State of Israel’s first Independence Day]. pp. 16. Tel Aviv, 1949.
* Album Ma’ariv. HaKnesset HaRishon LeMedinat Yisrael [pictorial album featuring the members of Israel’s first Parliament]. pp. (64). Tel Aviv, 1949.