Kemach Pesach [Talmudic novellae especially focusing on the Maharsha]

Wednesday, March 12th,
2014 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Graphic Art and Ceremonial Objects
Lot 47
Kemach Pesach [Talmudic novellae especially focusing on the Maharsha]
Koenigsberg: Johann Friedrich Drist 1763
Est: $400 - $600
This copy has two more leaves than listed by Vinograd. The introduction is written by the author’s son who states that his father passed away before reaching age 50. The author’s father was R. Samuel Aschkenazi, author of the responsa Mekom Shmuel (Altona, 1738).
The final three leaves contain an additional responsa not published in Mekom Shmuel. The writing of this responsa has an interesting background. R. Samuel Aschkenazi allowed a widow who had given birth after her husband died to remarry within 24 months. When the prospective groom visited the graves of his parents in Hamburg, he mentioned the fact of his forthcoming marriage to the famous Rabbi of Hamburg, R. Jonathan Eybuschuetz. However to his surprise, R. Eybuschuetz emphatically disallowed the marriage to take place within such a shortened time period. When the groom returned to R. Samuel Aschkenazi and told him the opinion of R. Eybuschuetz, then Rabbi Aschkenazi put the reasons for his lenient opinion in writing. When R. Eybuschuetz saw this scholarly responsum, he changed his mind and allowed the widow to remarry as planned.