Peretz Smolenskin. Nakam Berit. Preface by Reuven Brainin.

AUCTION 58 | Thursday, May 02nd, 2013 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters

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Peretz Smolenskin. Nakam Berit. Preface by Reuven Brainin.

<<First American edition>> Hebrew text. pp. 60. Original printed wrappers, stained. 16mo. Goldman, Hebrew Printing in America, 472.

New York: Hotsa’at Kadimah 1918

Est: $500 - $700
<<The first Zionist novel in Hebrew.>> Peretz Smolenskin (1840-85) the leading exponent of the Haskalah in Eastern Europe and an early advocate of Jewish nationalism, is best known for the important Hebrew monthly “HaShachar” which he founded in 1868 and edited until his death. In great measure, Smolenskin laid the foundations for the Zionist movement which gradually took shape in the following two decades. At the same time he anticipated the concept of a spiritual center, which was later to be argued so forcibly by Achad Ha’Am. Smolenskin’s percipience may be discerned in the repeated warnings expressed, in both his articles and stories, that the pogroms in Russia and the anti-Semitism in Germany were no temporary aberrations, but merely the first manifestations of worse horrors to come. He foresaw danger threatening the entire people, and maintained that only Eretz Israel could offer a real refuge, where all the peoples of the Jewish Exile could be gathered into a single nation. Nekam Berit, a story describing the return of an assimilated youth to his people following the Russian pogroms, remains a veritable testament to Smolenskin’s Jewish nationalism.