TORREJONCILLO, FRANCISCO DE. Centinella contra Judeos [Sentinel against Jews]. Translated into Portuguese by Pedro Lobo Correa

AUCTION 50 | Thursday, February 24th, 2011 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, Graphic & Ceremonial Art Including: The Alfonso Cassuto Collection of Iberian Art

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TORREJONCILLO, FRANCISCO DE. Centinella contra Judeos [Sentinel against Jews]. Translated into Portuguese by Pedro Lobo Correa

FIRST PORTUGUESE EDITION pp.224. Stained. Contemporary limp vellum, gutter split, worn. 8vo

Lisbon: Joaõ Galraõ 1684

Est: $1,000 - $1,500
A work by a Christian Preacher Conversant with Rabbinic Tradition. This anti-Jewish diatribe first appeared in Spanish ten years earlier in 1674. The book, chapter by chapter, accuses the Jews of being always and forever: "mentirosos" (liars), "traydores" (traitors), "despresados" (despised), "vangloriosos" (vainglorious), etc. Nonetheless, it is an invaluable source of information concerning the processes of the Inquisition (see e.g. on pp. 38-44, the supposed Confession of a Jew at the Auto da Fe at Llerena in the year 1662, offered in rhymed couplets). It also evidences the knowledge of rabbinic texts and Judaic tradition - however distorted - that the Iberian Churchmen possessed. (Examples of which accompany the lot)