AUCTION 48 | Thursday, May 27th, 2010 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, Graphic & Ceremonial Art Featuring an Exceptional Collection of American Judaica

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Group of five manuscripts: 1) Tafsir Hilchoth Shechitah / Perash Shiv'im Tereifoth min HaTorah [Laws of Ritual Slaughter / Enumeration of the Seventy Defects from the Torah]. Hebrew and Judeo-Persian. Colophon on f.13v: "Joseph ben Elijah ben David ben Kitah ben Sa'id…in the city of Bukhara, in the year 1841." ff.1-13. * 70 Tereifoth (Hebrew). ff.15-18. * And: Zikaron LeB'nei Yisrael [Laws of Ritual Slaughter] ff.1-38; (39-42 blank); 43, (44 blank), 35. Evidently copied from the printed edition of Calcutta, 1844 [cf. Ya'ari, Calcutta 14]. 2) MawlanaYosef Ben MollaYitzchak. Haft Braderan ["Seven Brothers": Story of Hannah and her Seven Sons]. Judeo-Persian. On front fly in Judeo-Persian: " Belongs to Yochanan Yudayoff, 1893." ff.9-91. * Plus two works of Judeo-Persian literature by Imrani. (See EJ, Vol. X, cols. 435-36). 3) Megillath Antiochus [Judeo-Persian version of story of Chanukah]. Judeo-Persian. Colophon on final page: "Reuben ben Judah Fazil, 1888." ff.144. 4 & 5) Two collections of piyutim (religious poetry) in Judeo-Persian Variously worn and bound. 8vo

Bukhara: 19th-century

Est: $1,000 - $1,500
Bukharian poet Yusuf Yahudi (1688-1755) wrote a Judeo-Persian version of the Midrashic account of the martyrdom of Hannah and her seven sons, as well as an adaptation of Megillath Antiochus, which narrates the events leading up to the Hasmonean revolt and the story of Chanukah. Yahudi founded a native school of Bukharian Jewish poets who created literature in their dialect of Judeo-Persian. See EJ, Vol. XVI, col. 704