STRACK, HERMANN L. Der Blutaberglaube in der Menschheit, Blutmorde und Blutritus. Zugleich eine Antwort auf die Herausorderung des "Osservatore Cattolico". ["The Bood-Myth in Mankind, Blood-Murder and Blood-Rite: Answer to the Provocation of "Osservatore Cattolico"]. (Munich: C.H. Beck'sche1892). pp. 10, (2), 155, (1). [Freimann, pp. 319, 426].
* Bound with, the following works: DELITZSCH, FRANZ. Schachmatt den Blutlügnern Rohling & Justus ["Checkmate of the Blood-Libel of Rohling & Justus."] (Erlangen: Andreas Deichert, 1883). pp. 43, (1 blank). [Freimann, p. 318]. * EISLER, M[ORITZ]. Die Judenfrage in Deutschland ["The Jewish Question in Germany."] (New York: Gustav Laufer, 1880). pp. 94. [Singerman 2907; Freimann, p. 242]. * LINDEN, GUSTAV, VON. Der Sieg des Judenthums über das Germanenthum ["The Victory of Judaism over Germanism."] (Leipzig: Carl Müller, 1879). pp. 6, 41, (1 blank). * FIEDLER, P[ETER] J[OSEPH]. Die Antisemitenbewegung in Deutschland in ihren Ursachen und Folgen ["The Antisemitic Movement in Germany, Its Causes and Consequences."] (Darmstadt: Edelmann, 1891). pp. 26. [Freimann, p. 243]
Some browning. Contemporary boards, rubbed. 4to
Est: $300 - $500
Five works dealing with anti-Semitism in general and the Blood-Libel in particular, in fin-de-si`ecle Germany.