Publicandum gegen den Ungehorsam und die Widerspenstigkeit der Unterthanen wider die Grund=und Gerichts=Obrigkeiten [Decree by King Friderich Wilhelm of Prussia relating to laws of lending and collaterals]

AUCTION 35 | Tuesday, November 21st, 2006 at 1:00
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Publicandum gegen den Ungehorsam und die Widerspenstigkeit der Unterthanen wider die Grund=und Gerichts=Obrigkeiten [Decree by King Friderich Wilhelm of Prussia relating to laws of lending and collaterals]

On title, emblem of crowned eagle pp.22. Crisp, clean copy. Folio

Magdeburg: Gottlieb Ehrenfried Günther 1787

Est: $800 - $1,000
Paragraph 13, 16-23, 90-93 concern the Jews, placing a ceiling on interest rates and collaterals that they may demand