Tuesday, June 20th,
2006 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Including Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, & Autograph Letters
Lot 229
Est: $1,000 - $2,000
Highlights of this collection include:
Letters and memorabilia of Dr. Theodor Zlocisti (1874-1943), a Berlin Zionist and early supporter of Herzl. Zlocisti authored a biography of Moses Hess, the proto-Zionist visionary (1905), and in the 1920s, founded in Palestine, “Tipat Chalav” for neonatal care.
ALS of Ch. Weizmann; signatures of Moshe Sharett and Abba Eban on a first day cover (Israel admitted to U.N., 1949); signed letter of Sir Moses Montefiore; unopened envelope with wax seal and signature of Lord Beaconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli); 2 ALS of artist Hermann Struck; signature and ALS of M. Dizengoff, founder and first mayor of Tel Aviv; 2 ALS of O[sias] Thon (1870-1936), staunch Zionist and friend of Herzl, later Chief Rabbi of Cracow and member Sejm (Polish Parliament); 2 ALS Dr. M. Nordau; caling card of Jacob Meir, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel; Pronouncement from War of Liberation 1948; ALS I. Zangwill, Anglo-Jewish author; 2 ALS of Dr. Arthur Ruppin (1876-1943), zionist leader responsible for agricultural development of Land; envelope signed by M. Ussischkin (1863-1941); signature of Leo Baeck (1873-1956); 2 signatures of Lord James Balfour (1848-1930); signed portrait of Yechiel Tschlenow, Russian Zionist leader (1863-1918); signed typed letter of Henrietta Szold, founder Hadassah; signature of Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis; signature Stephen S. Wise; signed typed letter of Pinhas Rutenberg, pioneer of Israeli electricty; Hebrew signature of “Mordecai Martin Buber”; signature of David Ben Gurion, etc