Elmaleh, Judah ben Mordecai. She’eloth u-Teshuvoth [responsa]

AUCTION 33 | Tuesday, June 20th, 2006 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Including Hebrew Printed Books, Manuscripts, & Autograph Letters

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Lot 214

Elmaleh, Judah ben Mordecai. She’eloth u-Teshuvoth [responsa]

Manuscript in Hebrew, Ma’aravic script. On pp. 5, 15, Sephardi-type signature or monogram of author. On p. 5, chronogram, "Ve-yatzatha ba-machol" [593/1833]. On p. 24, chronogram, "Te’amtzenu" [587/1827] pp. 42 (actually 44). Slightly wormed. Modern boards and endpapers

Sefrou, Morocco: Early 19th-century

Est: $500 - $700
R. Judah ben Mordecai Elmaleh served at various times as rabbi of Sefrou, Fez, Meknes, Tetuan and Rabat, Morocco. See Y. Ben-Na’im, Malkhei Rabbanan (1931), 52b-53a; David Ovadia, The Community of Sefrou, I (1974). The responsa in this collection mostly concern financial disputes, such as inheritance, etc. On pp. 33-35, novellae on Talmud Bavli, Megillah 10a. On pp. 40-41, a kabbalistic incantation (lachash)